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My name is Gianna. On social media, I go by GiannaTheTaurus. I am a Tarot reader, Reiki practitioner, intuitive creator, and seeker! 

I’ve been involved with spirituality since birth but became more active in my personal journey over 7 years ago. I was raised with a belief in the universe.. things beyond our comprehension. With a desire to seek but no real understanding... Everything shifted for me when I stumbled upon my first mentor. One that would teach me deep truths within myself, others, and gifts I wouldn’t know what to do with until I was a teenager. Here I am today sharing those gifts with my like-minded community and living my truth in alignment with who I am today. This is a safe space for anyone with an open heart and mind.. 

 What we do is NEVER to cure or diagnose.. but to give power. We believe in the power of self and mind. We trust that there is a higher purpose and guidance for our path. 

My creations are channels of Ancestory and roots through me to you.. connecting our souls deeply and limitlessly. 


We are all one! 

Blessings and light. 




What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of powerful Energy Work. With roots in japan, energy is transferred from the practitioner to anyone open to receiving it. We use traditional symbols and intention within our services to send loving energy to each client that then allows them to stand in their own energetic power. 


How does my energy, prayer, or intention reach you if im not with you in person?

Within my personal belief, Energy is limitless. We have the potential to connect with anything and everything in this energetic field because we are all made of the same. whether it is past, present, or future.. energy is not limited by space or time. we are all one. we hold space for one another. the way I like to think of it is, imagine one of your loved ones going through a tough time. sometimes all they need is a hug to feel relief and for love to fill their heart space. Though we are not fixing the problem physically, we are giving some of our own energy to sustain that individual in some way.

as light will always be stronger than darkness. 

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